Monday, July 14, 2014

Massachusetts: Lancaster signatures handed in

Lancaster Chairman Jean M. Syria and Vice Chairman/Clerk Susan E. Smiley are both facing possible recalls, as petitioners handed in more than the 471 signatures needed. They collected them in 16 days. The issue appears to be the firing of the Town Administrator, but the official allegations include:

They allege that both selectmen violated the Open Meeting Law and selectmen's policies and procedures, limited or eliminated public comment at public meetings, terminated the town administrator's contract without cause, wasted public money on unnecessary legal services and limited the ability of municipal staff to get or be reimbursed for professional development. 
Ms. Syria's recall affidavit says she engaged in vendor harassment — using public money for town counsel to undermine and violate previously approved contracts, and made negative and unsubstantiated public comments about townspeople, accusing them of being homophobic. 
Ms. Smiley's recall affidavit says she engaged in misappropriation of public money of the Lancaster co-ed softball league, did not turn over all of the revenues to the town treasurer, failed to disclose how the money was spent and did not get the consent of the town to disburse any of that money. 

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